Casino games and gambling are popular all around the world!
They are easy, fun and the most important thing, they bring lots and lots of money to the players.
Everyone enjoys them, from every age, gender and there are no boundaries here.
All that you will need a little bit of money and desire to play, have fun and win big.
There are lots of games you can choose from, and that’s why there’s something for everyone.
Yes, I mean literally everyone. But, from so many games you can choose from, they can be even confusing.
Especially for the newbies, the casino games, whether they are online or are land-based can be all over the place.
That’s why today, in this article, you will learn about the categorizing of the casino game and their explanation as well, just in case.
Table Games
Even if maybe this doesn’t seem familiar to you at first, wait until it eventually does.
Casino table games are the biggest category because here belong the games that are played on a casino table.
Just any table you can possibly think of.
The table games are usually named as card games as well and the most famous are any type of poker, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and casino war.
Sound familiar?
That’s because they are the most common casino games and usually, their wins are the most common.
That’s why the casino tables are always full.

Slot Machines
Slot machines, or also known as fruit machines, are the games that the casino offers you in order to win easy money.
Why are they called easy money, you ask?
Well, that’s because all you do is sit in front of the computer screen or the slot machine and just spin the handle and wait.
When you get a combination of three or more slot icons, it means that you have won.
These casino games can be, as I mentioned before as well, land-based, online casino, 3D or even progressive.
All you need to do s choose one and get ready to win.

Special Games
These games are the ones that aren’t the traditional verse of casino games and they are really diverse.
Usually, this category fits all the games that can’t be placed in the other two categories and that’s why they are called the way they are.
Here belong games like craps, keno, multiplayer roulette, sic bo and many many other games you can find at the online casino sites.
As you can see, they are a combination of two other games.

Video Poker
This one looks like a specialty game, but it deserves its own sport because people love it, and it’s really famous as well.
As the name suggests, video poker is a poker version but played on a machine like the ones you can find in the slot section.
It supports many popular varieties of poker as well as new versions that are equally as exciting.

These are only the really basic categories of the casino games.
We can go on and on for days about the subcategories because they are so much more. What a time it is for the casino world!
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